
Ubuntu 9.10, T60 and Active Protection System

Ubuntu 9.10, T60 and Active Protection System

(See http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Install_Ubuntu_9.10_%28Karmic_Koala%29_on_a_ThinkPad_T400#Active_Protection_System)

Install Packages:

Since Karmic the packages were updated in the respiratory. So you only have to install this packages:

sudo apt-get install tp-smapi-source hdapsd

Then use module-assistant to build tp-smapi:

sudo module-assistant prepare tp-smapi
sudo module-assistant auto-install tp-smapi

Set Options:

To load these modules on every startup you have to write them into the /etc/modules file:

sudo gedit /etc/modules

Append this to the file:


We also need options to load these modules correctly. They have to be written in /etc/modprobe.d/local.conf

sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/local.conf

Fill the file with this code

# enable thinkpad_ec
options thinkpad_ec force_io=1

# option to correctly set tilting through hdaps sensor
options hdaps invert=1

Test installation:

Now you can try, if the modules are loaded yet. Do so with

lsmod | grep hdaps

if not perform:

sudo modprobe -a thinkpad_ec tp_smapi hdaps

If the installation of hdapsd succeeded, you can test it by typing this into your terminal:

sudo hdapsd -d sda -s 15 -a -v -y 

If you suddenly move your laptop the output will change! (stop it with pressing Ctr + C)

Now you can start hdapsd with typing:

sudo /etc/init.d/hdapsd start

After an reboot everything should start automatically and work correctly! You can change the sensitivity value and other things in this file: "/etc/default/hdapsd". To see the effects you have to type "sudo /etc/init.d/hdapsd restart" to restart hdapsd!

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